Getting Started with Relay

Relay Overview

Installing Relay

Relay can be installed from the Shopify App Marketplace and includes a free trial period.

Activating Relay

Simply click the Activate button to get started.

Connecting your Slack

Click the Connect button to begin the authorization process. You will need to log in to your desired Slack workspace if you're not already. You will then be prompted to authorize Relay to access your Slack workspace and post messages. After you have reviewed and approved these permissions, click Allow to finish the connection process.

You will be redirected back to Relay within your Shopify admin and should see the green success message, as well as all of the available Events. If you see an error message in red instead, please try again or contact our support team!

Configuring Relay Events

Now that Relay is connected to Slack, it's time to set up and customize the notifications you would like to receive. Begin by looking at the list of available events to use as triggers for your notifications and click the one you would like to configure.

Event Settings

Begin by clicking Activate to tell Relay to start listening to this event. Now we're ready to configure a notification.

Creating a Notification

Click Add a notification to create your first notification. Here you will give it a name (this can be anything you want, and is only for yourself to help identify what this notification is. This can be useful when creating multiple notifications with complicated conditions. More on this in a minute!)

Where to send it?

Next you will select which Slack channels you want this notification to be sent to. You can choose as many as you'd like. If you want different information to go to different channels for this one event, create multiple notifications.

What to send?

Now you can select what information you wish to be included in the notification. If you're unsure what to select, we would recommend selecting all available fields and see the data you receive with your first notification delivery. You can then tweak it from there.

Note: If you don't see the field/piece of information you want to receive on this list, please contact us, as we may be able to add it in for you!


Lastly, you can create a number of conditions on this notification if you wish to filter things further. For example, you may only want to receive notifications for orders over $100 total, or perhaps you want to send different notifications to different channels based on the customer's country? Here you can specify any number of conditions to check before the event is sent.

You can also decide if all conditions must be met, or if only one needs to be met before proceeding.

Note: If you want to add a condition based on a field that isn't available in the dropdown list, please contact us as we may be able to add this for you!

That's it! Your notification is ready to go! Feel free to create as many as you would like for this one event if you want to funnel these to different channels with different conditions. Otherwise, simply click Save and your notification will be running!

You can simply click the Back arrow to return to the Dashboard and repeat this process for all events you wish to send notifications for.

Need help?

Of course if you get stuck at any point in the process, or have questions/data requests for us, please don't hesitate to get in touch!