Some fields are missing in my notification

Here's why you might be receiving notifications with missing fields/data.

No data provided

If you have selected to receive a specific field in your notification, but that field is missing when the notification is delivered, it is most likely because there was no data provided for that field.

For example, if you have a notification for "Order Created" and have selected the "Discount" field, you will only see this field come through in the notification message if the customer has entered a discount code during checkout. We omit empty fields from the final notification message to save you time and space, and to avoid any clutter or confusion. So instead of receiving a message with "Discount: N/A", we will just remove the discount field from the final message.

This is the same for almost every field, so if you notice any missing fields, this is most likely why.

If you are certain that the field you selected has data populated, yet is still not being received in the notification, please contact us so we can investigate and sort it out for you.

The field I want doesn't exist

If however you want a particular piece of information that isn't available in the fields list, please contact our support team via the in-app chat or by email with the details and we might be able to add your field to the system! The same goes for fields listed for conditions.