How can I offer pre-orders on Shopify in limited quantities?

"We want to set up pre-orders on Shopify but only sell products in limited quantities. What do I need to do?"

Step-By-Step Guide for Setting up a Pre-order Campaign on Shopify and Sell in Limited Quantities on Shopify via Our Early Bird App:

  1. Since you're selling pre-orders in limited quantities, you will need to adjust the stock levels first for your pre-order product and variants before setting up your campaign. You can also do this before you publish your campaign instead.
  2. Under Pre-orders in our Early Bird app, create and name your new Pre-order campaign.
  3. Choose Only sell pre-orders while in stock - this way once stock levels hit zero the "Pre-order Now" button will turn to "Sold out".
  4. Choose I will manually manage stock levels if you have included more than one product or variant in this campaign and they have different pre-order stock levels.
  5. Otherwise, you can enter a stock level number to be applied across all your products and variants within this pre-order campaign, and let Early Bird automatically manage stock levels for you.
  6. Under Continue selling when out of stock, choose Early Bird should automatically manage this (recommended). This way, our app update the required inventory setting across all of your selected variants.
  7.  Under Schedule, choose your End date and time if you want the "Pre-order Now" button to automatically be toggled to "Sold out", so you can cut off pre-orders on a certain date.
  8. Select your product and variants for pre-orders.
  9. Select the purchase options you want to offer to customers. (Pay in full and/or a partial deposit.
  10. Under Pre-order fulfillment, the Expected fulfillment date you select here is what will be shown to your customers on your Product page, when they add to cart, when they view cart, and at checkout.
  11. Save and publish the campaign. (Make sure you've adjusted the stock levels for your pre-order products already!)

Make sure you archive the campaign when it has reached its end date or when your pre-order stock has arrived, so the Sold out button will turn back into Add To Cart button.

You can also pause the campaign anytime earlier than its end date and archive it to turn the Pre-order now button into the Add To Cart button.