How can I get Early Bird to work with quick-add pop ups for my Shopify pre-orders?

Early Bird should work out of the box for most Shopify themes, however there are some tweaks which may need to be made in some cases for maximum compatibility. We can always make these changes for you, so feel free to reach out to us at if you notice any theme compatibility or layout issues.

For quick-add pop ups specifically, Early Bird should work automatically on Shopify's Collection pages. The only case where this might not work, is on the home page or custom internal pages.

For these pages, you will need to add a small code snippet in your theme files.

Adding the code snippet to your Shopify theme

Disclaimer: Making changes to your theme files without developer experience or knowledge can result in errors on your store. Please consult a developer, or ask our support team to make these changes for you if you're unsure about anything.

For Dawn-based themes, you want to open the sections/main-product.liquid file (or equivalent for your theme) and find where the product-info element ends, and the schema begins:


{% schema %}

Add this snippet before the product-info end tag:

      window.EBCurrentProduct = {{ product | json }};
      window.EBCurrentVariantData = [{%- for variant in product.variants -%}{id: "{{- -}}", inventory_quantity: "{{- variant.inventory_quantity -}}", inventory_policy: "{{- variant.inventory_policy -}}"},{%- endfor -%}];

So your file will look something like this:

      window.EBCurrentProduct = {{ product | json }};
      window.EBCurrentVariantData = [{%- for variant in product.variants -%}{id: "{{- -}}", inventory_quantity: "{{- variant.inventory_quantity -}}", inventory_policy: "{{- variant.inventory_policy -}}"},{%- endfor -%}];

{% schema %}

Save the changes, and the quick-add pop ups should start working on your custom pages too.

If you still experience issues with your quick-add pop ups, contact our support team via and we'll be able to get things connected for you.